A world of Darkness - devoid of colours
Memories or light - a long lost blur
The colourful universe - I could never see
On to the mainstream, can you lead me?

Physical handicap hurts!! Imagine yourself in the shoes of a highly intelligent person, who is unable to showcase his or her abilities as he or she is blind. Imagine the pain he or she has to face when he or she comes to know that he or she cannot appear in certain exams, as the exam is not disabled friendly! Such is the plight of the young, smart but visually challenged youth in our Nation and no nation can grow unless the youth who include the above described, are empowered.

As per Census reports (Ref- Census of India. 2001. “The First Report on Disability”, Registrar General, New Delhi.), India is home to more than fifteen million visually challenged individuals, majority of who are young aspirants deprived of their share in the mainstream.

This disadvantage gets compounded by the fact that most of the exam centres and examination formats are not suited to the visually impaired. Hence, visually impaired candidates who aspire to take courses, such as BEd, MBA etc. that are ‘meant’ for their normally abled peers, and those who aspire to appear in competitive exams for various mainstream jobs, such as that of a bank officer, need a partner or a scribe to help them out. Finding a suitable scribe, thus, is a necessity for the visually challenged individuals. Thanks to this necessity, coupled with the shortage of scribes and a lack of a streamlined system that could help them find a suitable scribe, many a candidate or a student has had to skip exams and miss out on valuable academic opportunities.

This website, Eyes4U , in its own limited way, aims to help those differently abled individuals find suitable scribes or writers who can work with them, and lead them through their writing, towards the mainstream world.

EyesForYou is a volunteer work by Abdul Wajid  and Sarita Tirumala , with assistance from Yes I Can Foundation, working towards education and skill development for underprivileged.